The Corona Patrol volunteers of Yad Ezer L’Haver have distributed over 25,000 Passover food packages to Holocaust survivors, the elderly and the needy in an unprecedented, special operation
Look here at the movie: " Corona Patrol "
The global outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) has created significant challenges for us in Israel these days. Thousands in need in Haifa still have no food for the so near Passover feast on Wednesday, April 8th. Yad Ezer L’Haver, true to its long-standing tradition for over 3 decades, has initiated an extensive and unprecedented operation to distribute thousands of food boxes to Holocaust survivors, needy families, single mothers, street residents, homeless people, the elderly and others. Our volunteers, work day and night to assemble, package and distribute the food baskets in time for everyone to enjoy a wholesome Seder feast.
More than a month ago, Yad Ezer L’Haver, in Haifa launched an extensive and unprecedented logistical operation for packaging and distributing thousands of Passover food baskets. To date over 25,000 food baskets have been packaged and prepared for distribution by the Corona Patrol of our Charity. Wide spread distribution to Holocaust survivors, elderly single mothers and the needy who live in home- isolation throughout the city of Haifa, the Krayot area and in the northern region has been set in motion by our volunteers. This year, the Yad Ezer L’Haver, broke all records and will distribute thousands of food packages before the holiday totaling NIS 2.5 million. This amount is extremely difficult to raise, especially with the entire economy in a deep and severe economic crisis, and in accordance with the harsh Pandemic guidelines and restrictions of the Israeli government and the Ministry of Health. The Yad Ezer L’Haver Charity will not give up trying to make a difference, and there are many good people who joined us.
The Corona virus in Israel has so far infected more than 5,591 people and tens of thousands of people are already in permanent home- isolation (as of Wednesday, 1.4). Following the decision of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Health Yaakov Litzman who announced the broadening of restrictions to the public, Yad Ezer L’Haver has stepped in. Three weeks ago we established a 24/7 aid center and the" Corona Patrol " to distribute food and medicine and give instant help the residents of Haifa, the Krayot and the northern area where Holocaust survivors, the elderly and needy live in home- isolation.
During the days of packing and distributing food parcels, hundreds of volunteers came to help with distributing food parcels to homes. For protection of the volunteers and the elderly, endangered population, they are instructed to place the packages at the apartment door, contact the Holocaust survivor in isolation and inform him that the food package is already at his door.
Founder and CEO of the Yad Ezer L’Haver in Haifa, Mr. Shimon Sabag, personally active in the distribution of food packages, wearing white protective overalls and a mask on his face, stated with great emotion: "For over 30 years I have not seen such huge food package distributions for Passover, and more so under such impossibly difficult conditions as brought to us by the Corona virus crisis that befell the State of Israel. No one knows when this crisis will subside, the phones at our operational center never stop ringing for a moment, hundreds of calls come in every hour of the day and night, never were so many in need in Haifa.
Unfortunately, I already happened to distribute food parcels even during wartime when missiles fell on Haifa but then I knew that it would be over, but now it is not at all known which way it will go and when it will end. I have not a shadow of a doubt that this year at Yad Ezer L’Haver we broke all the records! Hard times are here for all of us these days, Ms." Corona "has spread and taken over and disrupted our lives, but we at Yad Ezer L’Haver will not stop fighting it and do our best to win. Passover is no only a few days away, and as we have been doing for over three decades, we continue distribution of thousands of food packages to Holocaust survivors, the elderly and needy to the doorstep in every area of Haifa, the Krayot and the North. We have no quiet moment, trucks loaded with goods and products arrive constantly around the clock, unload and depart again to bring more goods and produce. Yad Ezer L’Haver will do everything it can until Wednesday 8.4, the eve of Passover so as not to leave any Holocaust survivor hungry on the Seder night. This I pledged and this I shall fulfill!
He added: "I would like to sincerely thank all the hundreds of volunteers who help us and continue to come to the offices of Yad Ezer L’Haver association to aid with packing food baskets and distributing them with their private vehicles to homes, this is now the order of the day!!!
Come join us, donate to the association and partner with us in this important mitzvah, our call center is at your disposal 24/7. We made an oath to do everything to find every hungry person in Haifa and give them one moment of happiness for the holiday, we will leave no one hungry on Passover.
Now is the time to call *8602, to show compassion and social solidarity to others. I wish all of us to soon return to a full and healthy routine, Amen! ".
Photos: Yosef Hersh, Adir Yeziref.
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