Yad Ezer L’Haver and the Sabag family mark 20 years of volunteer work for the community
To view the video of compliments on the organization's activities by various public figures and artists, click on the image below:
Yad Ezer L’Haver, Haifa, has been engaged for more than 20 years in a broad range of social activities in dozens of areas and everything we tell you about this will always be just the tip of the iceberg for us. Yad Ezer L’Haver was founded in 1995 and in 2001 became a registered NPO with the Registrar of Associations. Actually, the founder and CEO of the association Mr. Shimon Sabag worked many years beforehand in assisting and helping the needy and the community. His activities were great and varied and many of them will remain off the public record. The organization started as a small soup kitchen, established many years ago and has developed and grown over the years. To date it spans over almost 3 blocks in the Hadar HaCarmel neighbourhood, its center and beating heart located on Kassel Street in Haifa.
Now, in 2021, the association marks 20 years of volunteer activities for the community. Our "Warm Home for Holocaust Survivors" provides adequate accommodation to many Holocaust survivors aged 80, 90 within our compound in Haifa's Hadar HaCarmel neighbourhood. Here the Holocaust survivors are offered three meals a day, a physiotherapy institute, social activities, medical care with dedicated nurses. Moreover, we offer these survivors great security and peace of mind in their old age, and care for all their needs.

Furthermore, Yad Ezer L’Haver helps children and youth at risk in our "children’s home" founded many years ago in the Neve David neighbourhood of Haifa. In addition, the organization caters to hundreds of people in need daily. Sometimes, in special circumstances such as the Covid19 pandemic, we assist thousands of people in need every day, coming to us for help, a hot meal, warm clothing all year round and especially during the winter season, footwear, blankets and pillows, portable heaters and anything they may need. This activity is done in our old soup kitchen, established many years ago, located on Ben Yehuda Street near the charity's complex in the Hadar neighbourhood of Haifa.
The organization also assists former prisoners and provides them with orderly rehabilitation and social reintegration through work in the Yad Ezer L’Haver complex. The organization’s activities in all areas are carried out without any financial and economic assistance from the state and the various authorities. We urge you to come and help those in need. The organization invites the general public and each and every one of you to volunteer for the benefit of the disadvantaged. This is the time and this is the moment, this is the order of the day, particularly during this difficult and challenging period of the Covid19 pandemic.

Harsh days, challenging for all of us during this unexpected and persistent virus crisis, which unfortunately has been with us for nearly a year and has resulted in a large increase in requests for help and assistance from the organization. We receive hundreds of applications every day at Yad Ezer L’Haver as well as in our Yad Rosa support and assistance center, which the organization founder, Shimon Sabag, recently established quietly and almost secretly, without too much publicity. Yad Rosa is the center of support and assistance for lending and distributing medical supplies and equipment, as well as products and food packages for Holocaust survivors and the elderly. Needless to say, Yad Ezer L’Haver works in full and direct cooperation with Yad Rosa's distress and support center throughout the week and during all hours of the day.

The charity's founder and CEO, Mr. Shimon Sabag, said: "It is of no surprise to me at all that whoever was poor before has become promptly poorer, he deceleration in economic activity intensified by the pandemic has hit the poorest people. We are receiving colossal numbers of phone calls as well from young people who were laid off at the beginning of the Corona crisis, and calls for assistance from many university students, not eligible for unemployment benefits from the state. The people who come to us today, are people I never thought I would meet at the organization, all these people are currently seeking assistance. I would also like to add that this year during all holiday periods the organization has maintained the tradition and distributed thousands of food parcels mainly on Rosh Hashanah, theTishrei holidays and Passover.

This last year, due to the country's deep economic crisis brought on by the Coronavirus, I decided immediately at the outbreak of the severe emergency situation to distribute food parcels on every holiday such as Pentecost, Purim, independence Day and Hanukkah, and even throughout the whole year, and not just during the holidays. This year it was especially complex for me, as most Holocaust survivors and the elderly are in continuous and long-term home isolation because of their age, and could not reach us. We needed to go all the way to their doors. There was no other alternative. I vowed many years ago that no one would ever be left hungry and Thank God, with all my many volunteers’ and donors’ help and their assistance, I succeeded!”

Yad Ezer L’Haver, headed by its founder and CEO, Mr. Shimon Sabag, has recently been awarded Certificates of recognition and Letters of Appreciation, including a "Lifetime Achievement Award" by the Haifa Municipality, the "Shield of the Minister of Labour and Welfare", and numerous more recognitions, this page is too short to hold.
To view the video of the certificates of recognition and letters of appreciation received by the association, click on the image below:

Photographs: Yosef Hirsch, Oksana Shlomov, Adir Yeziref, Yad Ezer L’ Haver Archives
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